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Monday 24 October 2016

Sprout Game Update

Over the past couple of weeks I have been working with my team mates on the level design and the environments for our Sprout Game. Tea made a mock up picture of what our level design is after a team meeting and then I created a Unity Mock up which I will be using for our game. Gradually I will be replacing the assets with our environment paintings, assets and characters. C: 
It's coming along nicely so far, but there is a problem with the character sticking to walls and stuff so i will need to ask the tutors about that.
I painted the grandpa tree at the beginning of the game and made animation for his eyes to blink and his eyebrows are also movable. I also painted the other stuff in the screenshots below.
I need to paint the trees with some black marks or something though to make them look a bit burnt and show a bit more that a forest fire happened/is happening.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Sprout Game - Another Environment Concept tonight

I got carried away tonight and did another concept tonight because I was really inspired by the artwork Tea found.
This time I painted a version of what the forest coming back to life would look like with the river running through it.

I painted everything on separate layers as well so it was easier to paint and navigate through.

Sprout Game - Environment Concept

I painted up some concepts in the last couple days for level design some painting for the environments to test out the art style and colours from a reference image Tea found.
We had a meeting today to talk about level design and discussed the idea of an old tree at the beginning of the game that the sprout encounters. I searched up old trees with faces and painted it into an environment concept for our game. :)

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Sprout Game - Reference Images for Assets

For creating the dragonfly I had to research images of dragonflies from various angles to figure out how to draw them. Here are some images I studied.
