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Thursday 24 November 2016

Sprout Game - Finished

Today we finally got the Sprout Game finished. I worked on the Unity scenes for the last 2 weeks to bring the game together, adding the dialogue, compiling the backgrounds, making sure the platforms are working properly and that the levels are linked together in the correct formats. There were a lot of things that I had to get help for, such as the dissapearing bit of ground when the player triggers it, the water drop health pickups, and also collecting the Sprouts which add to the score.

There were a lot of things I had to fix up today right before our presentation, such as the video files not working but that was just because I didn't have Quicktime installed. Also one of the backgrounds wasn't showing up in the build but that was because for some reason it had an animation controller on it.

After everything was finished and put together we did our presentation and got some good feedback. There are some things I would like to fix if I get the time in the holidays. I noticed in the play through some of the backgrounds in the parallax didn't match up, so that would have to be fixed. Also I would like to spend some time making the backgrounds blend together much better, because at the moment there are some discrepancies where they don't match up. There are also some issues in some parts of the layers with sorting layers some layers of backgrounds flickering over others.
I would also spend some time changing the dialogue boxes to look nicer, add avatars to the characters that are talking, and some particles to the backgrounds in the scene. I would add ashes or smoke to the dead scene and leaves or flowers blowing in the breeze to make it look nicer.

Overall though I'm happy with how it turned out in the end. There's a lot that could be one to improve it in several ways, but with the time constraint we had this is what we came up with. :)
I had a lot of fun painting the environments for the game and seeing it in the game was really satisfying after working on it and being happy with how it looks.

Yay Team Sprout!

Monday 21 November 2016

Sprout Game Background Progress

My progress on part 4 of the backgrounds
Had fun painting the leaves and the water.
Making a game without knowing much about scripting is kind of hard

Thursday 17 November 2016

Sprout Game Green Environment Progress

I have been working on the last section of green backgrounds assigned to me and was working on the grandma tree. There's not too much to do, just paint in some more details where the character will be focused and add more plants to make it more alive.
Also this is the first time I've been able to paint tree leaves like below, I haven't been able to do it that nicely before so I'm happy with how it's turning out.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Sprout Game Progress

Here is an update for the progress on Team Sprout's game!! 

I have been working on putting everything together, we have all of the dead backgrounds done, just need to grab the last couple of pieces. 
I have been adding the dialogue pieces for all the npc's (grandpa, grandma tree and the beaver)
Added fires for removing health on contact, water drop place holders that add health, climbable vines, dissappearing ground on trigger, and the transition from the dead level to the alive level once the player finishes talking to the beaver.

I also painted up an alive version of the background to test painting over it with the style and colours of the alive concept I did earlier on in the project. Phoenix and Mikayla are using the picture below to use as reference for translating their sections of BG to alive.

Soon I will be able to add the little Sprout character to the game, Tea has been working hard on it and it's looking really cute. Can't wait to add it.
Jo did a great job on the assets and little sprouts that look like our team members, they look really  cute and I will be adding them soon.

Yay Team Sprout!

I have a list written up on things I need to do for the Sprout Game such as:

  • Start/End Splash Screen - Needs pretty artwork
  • Add water drops
  • Finish adding dialogue for NPC's
  • Finish adding all FG elements
  • Update Sprout Character
  • Customise Dialogue Boxes - Maybe add avatars for character talking
  • Add Sprouts as collectables and add scoring system
  • Finish adding the assets for both dead and alive levels
  • Add moving platform in alive level
  • Leaves blowing in background in alive level

Sunday 6 November 2016

Sprout Game - Grandma Tree

I finished creating the environment for part 4 of our level design and this section includes the Grandma tree, the falling log and the section underneath the grandma tree which  the character can walk through. The dried up mushrooms on the tree represent the platforms which will be functioning when the character makes it's way back when the forest is brought back to life.

I painted a twist symbol or 'Pikorua' on the Grandma tree which represents the bond between two people.

 The new age understanding of the pounamu twist design is that it symbolizes the bond between two people, whether founded in friendship, love, or blood. It connects the spirits of friends, family and lovers, bringing them closer together across space and time. It’s said to represent their life path. Like the continuous shape of the greenstone twist, life for both individuals will continue despite many unexpected twists and turns, inevitably bringing them together again as it travels full circle. Its design comes from the piko piko fern whose fronds curl around one another in our native bushscapes. It also resembles the path of life and eternity.

The grandma tree is a Kauri tree and she is very old, probably a lot older than the grandpa tree. She stands tall and strong in the middle of the forest and is always looking out for the grandpa tree.
The symbol on her chin represents the bond between them and that they are tied together for eternity.