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Sunday, 11 September 2016

Creative Studio - Synthesizing

For the last exercise I teamed up with Phoenix for Synthesising. We chose to do embodied thinking and I chose patterning for the last trans disciplinary exercise. We both decided to create a texture in Photoshop which we would then give to each other to find patterns for the topic of "What society looks like when it's working at its best"
So this is my image from the picture that Phoenix gave me. I saw patterns of lots of people within her texture so I created this. I drew kids running around playing to show they are having a fun and happy childhood, and the adults are doing things they love, walking dogs, spending time with loved ones etc. I drew the trees in the scene to show thriving life, also with the birds and the nest.
I think society works at it's best when it's happy, surrounded by the people that love and care about them.

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